He said "there are fundamental savings and investment imbalances both in the US and China", which need to be addressed as part of any strategy to reduce the bilateral deficit. 他表示,“美国与中国目前都面临着根本性的储蓄和投资失衡问题”,在任何削减双边贸易逆差的方案中,都需要解决这个问题。
Not only was Greece let into the eurozone for political reasons, also the fundamental rule, no member to exceed its yearly budget deficit by the equivalent of 3 per cent of gross domestic product, was broken more than a hundred times. 他们不仅出于政治原因容许希腊加入欧元区,而且还无数次违反了成员国年度预算赤字不得超过该国国内生产总值(GDP)3%的基本规定。
As the IMF points out, fundamental metrics suggest the dollar may have to fall further to get the US deficit into sustainable territory of under 3 per cent of GDP. 正如imf指出,基本面数据表明,美元可能不得不进一步贬值,才能使美国赤字进入gdp的3%以下的可持续区间。
The pay-as-go fundamental pension plan can not effectively solve the problem of the elderly population life, which leaves a deficit hidden danger to the descendant. 现收现付制的基本养老保险不能有效地解决老年人口的生活问题,给后代留下了入不敷出的隐患。